If you have found this page looking for information about a particular seller, here instead are tips that you should consider when buying on ebay.

Before you end up with a problem transaction

  • Read the auction listing carefully. 
    Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the seller (This covers your responsibility as a buyer to be careful).

  • Examine the sellers feedback rating. 
    Look through more than the first page of feedback. If the seller has thousands of feedbacks, you should look through several pages of feedback - at least the last 200.

  • A seller with a low rating number and 1 or 2 negatives will have a low feedback score. This does not mean they are a bad seller. 
    Look more closely. It could just be they ran into a difficult customer or had some other understandable problem.

  • A bad seller with thousands of transactions may show all positive feedback in the first page.  
    It is not until you look at many pages of feedbacks that you will see an accurate picture. Look at their feedback score.

If you are already having a problem with a transaction.

  • Ebay email is one of the least reliable ways to contact a seller. 
    The ebay email system is having many problems with messages not getting through.

  • If you feel you have not received a response from a seller, try contacting them by phone or by direct email. 
    Don't assume the seller is getting your messages.

  • Wait at least 30 days before you leave negative or neutral feedback for a seller. 
    You have up to 90 days to leave a negative on the ebay system.

  • If you have a problem with a seller, file a case with ebay or PayPal if you used PayPal to pay for your merchandise. 
    The notice the seller gets from Ebay or PayPal may be the first they have heard of a problem with your order.


Get Great Deals,
Not Bad Ones 


The item you are bidding on is a NEW Nextel Motorola i90c Cell Phone $263.

Winning bid $187.50
Complaint : This article was advertised as new and came used and broken.

New Old Merchandise
NEW Pioneer DV-440 DVD Player Black NR

Appears "used" but in "excellent condition", original box has been opened, it powers up and performs expected tasks, will sell as is.

Ebay has great deals.
Be a smart bidder